Norco Abuse
Norco is a controlled substance that is typically prescribed by doctors to patients to treat moderate to severe pain. It is also referred to as acetaminophen and hydrocodone bitartrate.
Norco is a drug with a high potential for abuse and dependence when used incorrectly. Dependence to Norco can be physical or psychological. A physical dependence develops when the drug creates a chemical in the body that causes the body to redefine pain that is needed to trigger drug use. A psychological dependence occurs when a person thinks that he or she must use the drug to function properly.
History of Norco
In August 2014, the DEA published a ruling that moved Norco from Schedule III to Schedule II mostly due to the increased cases of abuse and addiction. Nevertheless, although it is a controlled medication, there are many people taking it making it one of the most popular street drugs. This is because it is easily obtainable compared to other addictive drugs in Schedule II as it is legal. The overuse and misuse of the drug can result in severe side effects.
Norco Statistics
According to Norco statistics, the misuse and abuse of the drug costs American citizens over $484 billion annually, which includes healthcare costs, lost wages, traffic accidents and justice costs.
Furthermore, an approximately 10% to 22% of accidents are caused by people using the drug according to the National Highway Traffic Safety report. The abuse of Norco is also highly linked to major crimes in the USA. A considerable number of people involved in violent crimes are found to be under the influence of Norco.
Medical Risks of Prolonged Norco Abuse
It is important to remember that Norco is a highly addictive drug that can cause severe side effects. The actual side effects vary among users but include drowsiness, tinnitus, mood swings, nausea, headache, dry mouth, anxiety, dizziness and blurred vision.
There is also a greater chance of developing other complications such as a lack of appetite and jaundice, which can lead to eating disorders, itching, colored stool and dark urine.
Overuse of Norco can also cause serious liver damage. The high level of abuse is attributed to the euphoric feeling that occurs when a person takes the drug, which makes people continue using the drug even when it is not necessary.
Social Risks of Norco Use
It is important to understand that a person can develop dependence after only a few weeks even when under the care of a doctor. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to tell whether a person is becoming dependent on the drug until it’s too late.
However, looking for the following signs can help. You may be developing dependence if you are taking the drug more than prescribed or in larger doses. Furthermore, you may be developing dependence if you are crushing the pill first before taking, asking doctors for more pills and or taking it with other pills.
Other signs that you may be developing substance use dependence include secluded behavior, stealing, dishonest behavior, changes in social circles and unexplained changes in behavior or mood.
Norco Abuse Treatment
The first step is always to speak with your doctor if you notice the signs of dependence. You should not try to overcome the symptoms of Norco addiction on your own. Instead, you should enroll in a drug rehabilitation program that suits your needs. The symptoms of withdrawal can be severe. They can range from diarrhea to stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, craving pills and more.