Amphetamine Abuse

Amphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant substance which provides an increased level of wakefulness, increased level of concentration, more energy, increased attention, improved mood, raised level of self confidence and sociability and a decreased level of appetite. The amphetamine drug has various nicknames which include: Amp, blue belly, crank, white cross, and crystal.

Amphetamine History

Amphetamine was first formulated in Germany in the year 1887. It was mainly a synthesized formulation which was not meant for any specific disease.

A research was done and in the 1920s it was proved that amphetamine was a great cure and preventive medicine to various diseases such as: radiation sickness, alcoholism, epilepsy, schizophrenia, migraine, various head injuries and opiate addiction treatment.

Amphetamine was later used to cure various diseases such as the central nervous system disorders, asthma, narcolepsy, low blood pressure, nasal congestion as well as hay fever between 1927 and 1937, when it was noted that it greatly helped patients diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to increase their concentration and performance levels.

It became illegal to obtain amphetamine in the United States Of America without being prescribed by the doctor in 1965. The controlled substance act made the production of injectable amphetamine illegal in 1970. Amphetamine abuse was mainly noted in the military to keep the American soldiers awake during the Vietnam and second world war.

Amphetamine Statistics

According to a research carried out in 2006 by the United States department of health and family services, a population of 20.4 million of American citizens aged above twelve years used amphetamine without any medical prescription.

According to a research carried out in one of the famous general hospitals in USA between 1975 and 1987 it was clear that 25% of all the seizures were caused by the use and abuse of amphetamine.

Health Effects of Prolonged Amphetamine Abuse

Amphetamine is a strong drug whose prolonged usage may lead to various illnesses such as: stroke, malnutrition, sexual dysfunction, various skin problems and disorders, fainting, general body weakness, memory loss, dilation of pupils, irregular sleep patterns, increased aggressive behavior, hypothermia, changes in brain function, cardiovascular problems, restlessness, seizures, increased weight loss, changed brain structure, blood shot eyes, heart attack, speech difficulties, hallucinations, deep depression, liver damage, possible impotence, rapid heart rate, weakened heart, extreme level of hunger, intense anxiety, exhaustion, psychosis, coma, breathing difficulties, diminished intelligence and mental efficiency, ulcers and eventually may lead to loss of life.

Social Effects of Amphetamine Abuse

The person who has abused amphetamine for a long period of time may have the following social effects: loss of friends and relatives, loss of their career, loss of the homes, reduced performance at work, lack of concentration in school leading to bad grades, arguments in relationships which lead to divorce and family break ups, decreased level of self esteem, become reclusive as well as loss of financial stability and status.

Amphetamine Addiction Treatment

Addiction to amphetamine can be caused by its abuse or prolonged use as prescribed by the doctor. The best help for addiction treatment is usually offered in amphetamine addiction centers commonly referred to as recovery detox. It is possible to stop taking amphetamine and live a drug free and sober life.

Contact us for a free and confidential assessment for you or a loved one.

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