Alcohol Rehabilitation

Learn About The General InPatient and Outpatient Therapies Available for Alcoholics

Alcoholism is a problem that effects a large portion of the United States population. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in 2013, 24.6 percent of people over the age of 18 said that they participated in binge drinking in the past year. To put that another way, that’s about 77 million people.

One reason alcohol abuse is such a large problem in this country is because it is very socially accepted, and its abuse is often considered a rite of passage for the youth.

If you or your loved one is struggling with an addiction to drinking, you should rest assured that you are not alone and that there are treatment options available to you. By understanding your options and choosing the best alcohol rehab treatment center to meet your individual needs, you can start the process to healing and moving forward with your life, free from the grip of active addiction.

Understanding Your Treatment Options

There are really just two types of treatment. Outpatient addiction treatment and inpatient drug and alcohol treatment. Deciding which is appropriate to your needs will save you time, money, and heartache because choosing the right type of care will give you the best chance of achieving long term recovery.

Outpatient care is best suited for those who have not become physically addicted, but know that they have a problem. People that fall into this category might consider themselves social drinkers that tend to over indulge whenever the opportunity arises.

Inpatient care is more suited for those who have a physical and psychological addiction to alcohol. For people that fall into this category, they may require asisstance from a medically supervised alcohol detox center. This is because it is so physically addicting, it has life threatening implications.

A third type of recovery effort that is technically not treatment is attendance in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Celebrate Recovery. This type of recovery is best suited for those who have not yet become physically addicted and have the determination and motivation to follow the instructions of a mentor also known as a sponsor. If the addiction has progressed past a certain point though, professional addiction care may be better suited.

What is Alcohol Rehabilitation Like?

Though the path that leads a person to seek out drug addiction rehabilitation is traumatic and heart breaking, many people feel a huge sense of relief and empowerment after a few days at treatment along with the knowledge that they are doing something about their problem. Alcohol rehab centers usually have programs in 30 day increments. While 30 days is widely considered the shortest possible recommended time to attend a program, many people benefit greatly from 60 day and 90 day programs.

After a person has successfully detoxed, they can safely enter into the swing of a normal day with the other residents. This will include implementing new healthy habits like nutritious dieting, exercise, group therapy, counseling, recovery meetings, plenty of rest, leisure, and equally important, finding ways to have fun without the need for alcohol.

Also, most centers will schedule time for the program participant to meet with a certified addiction counselor in order to determine a personalized treatment plan in order to address their underlining reasons for abusing substances along with an exit strategy so that achievable goals can be created and strived for.

The counselor will also help the resident create coping strategies in the form of a relapse prevention plan so that when stressors are experienced in the future, they know how to navigate these situations and feel confident to ask for the appropriate help.

What Happens Once The Primary Phase is Completed?

After the duration of the program has passed, many residents may opt to extend their stay if they, along with their counselors feel that more time in the treatment center may be needed. For those who have reached the goals laid out in their treatment plan and are ready to graduate to the next phase of their recovery, transitional housing programs may be their next best option.

While the medical implications of alcohol abuse are quite severe, the emotional and social consequences can be just as devastating.

When people abuse alcohol they are more prone to emotional outbursts, violent tendencies, irrational thinking, and making poor decisions like driving while intoxicated. If you are in need of help for your alcoholism, or have decided that you just want to correct some of your behaviors related to alcohol, please feel free to contact us to see how we can help.

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