Pillars of Spiritual Healing: The Power of God and Addictions Part 2
You need to enter the realm of spiritual war, because unless you fight spiritually, you cannot win.
You need to recall the introductory circle. Think about the pollution.
At first, you did not know the pollution came from Satan.
This is Bible Spiritual History
God wrote the Bible to remove the veil of ignorance from your eyes. It is the book of instructions for life. Second, God did not give the indictment of shame. Adam replied, “I was afraid ,because I was naked…I hid.” God never said, “shame on you Adam…look at you naked and all.” Adam imposed the shame on himself. Third, and most important, God in His love knew his most precious creation, created above the angels was in trouble.
Lovingly he provided the most absolute and perfect solution. Indeed, in Genesis 3:15 God addresses the snake. God let the snake know He will put enmity between the snake and the woman. In this God is speaking of the coming Messiah, Christ, the Savior of the World.
Back to Balance – Providence Women’s Recovery
It is important that you grasp the significance of this provision.
A man needs a way back to the balance provided in the Garden before the spiritual and catastrophic actions of Satan. God provided one way to restore this balance. He gave mankind the Lord Jesus. Recall the feelings of shame, resentment, anxiety, and anguish we spoke of at the beginning.
There is no human way possible to remove them from your being. You do not have the power. No doctor has the power. No minister has the power. No one in the human realm has the power. This is so, because the creator of the havoc is Satan, the most powerful angelic creature created by God. Only Christ has the power to remove the negative emotions from our beings. He is the only one capable of defeating Satan in your behalf. He is all Power.
However, there are conditions one must fulfill.
- First you must surrender to Christ.
- Second, you must follow the most important command given to us in Matthew 22:37, “Love The Lord your God with all soul and all of your mind.
To surrender is an oath to the King willing to die for you. The oath has the power to remove the negative emotions placed upon your life by a potent adversary.
The second, the command to love God fully restores your life to the Kingdom of Heaven in perfect harmony with a God, rebuilding the Trust in Him, freeing you from the shame and other negative emotions in your life.
Get back to the circle. Pray to receive the King.
Love the Lord as commanded.
Worship Him for your deliverance.
Let His love submerge you in His Grace. Appropriate His Love and accept the liberation from the negative feelings. Breathe and look around your circle. Though there is still some pollution left, it has lessened. This is a victory to your name, a supreme gift from God.
Do not sit still. Inhale goodness, open up your Bible and not just read, but also study the Word of God. Get ready to re-shape your feelings towards yourself, under the power of His grace.
You must learn to love yourself.
Until next week, I am leaving you with a gift. These are just simple verses. Memorize them and keep them in your mind and soul. Whenever you sense the enemy is near, recite them. The enemy will flee as soon as you speak the wisdom of God.
Your Task: Memorize
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. Acts 3:19
“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] the old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Serving Christ and others,